
Do You Suspect Your Child Has ADHD? We Can Help!

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Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is difficult to diagnose. The diagnostic process takes time, allowing our doctors to get to know you and your family, as well as to rule out any other pathologies that exist. The diagnosis of ADHD is multi-faceted and must be modified over time as your child grows and their social and family circumstances change.

But first, it’s essential that an ADHD diagnosis comes from a neurologist who specializes in this kind of care. The experts at THINK Neurology for Kids are exceptionally well-qualified to diagnose and treat ADHD using the most up-to-date information and treatment options. With offices in Katy, The Woodlands, and Cypress, we have an office near you, and we’re ready to answer your questions.

Causes of ADHD

There’s a lot that scientists still don’t know about ADHD, although they do have some ideas about what could lead to this diagnosis. Several things could cause ADHD, including:

  • Brain injury
  • Brain disorder
  • Heredity
  • Chemical imbalance
  • Infections
  • Poor nutrition
  • Toxins
  • Substance abuse during pregnancy

There are some myths about things that supposedly cause ADHD, like watching too much TV, eating too much sugar, or food allergies. Scientists disagree, and there is no proof of this.

Signs of ADHD

Something that all doctors and researchers agree on are the signs of ADHD.

Attention problems

Children who have trouble paying attention in such a way that actually interferes with development could be a sign of ADHD. These children often have difficulty listening or focusing on schoolwork or other activities. It may seem like they're not listening when someone is speaking directly to them, or the child has trouble with organization and often fails to finish tasks like chores. All of this combined shows a problem with focus and attention.


Children with ADHD have trouble sitting still. They fidget and squirm, often interrupting others or not waiting their turn to speak or play. They have problems with quiet time and often run about the room or climb onto things inappropriately. Much like the trouble with listening, a child with ADHD might talk a lot. These could be signs of hyperactivity. 

Diagnosing ADHD

If you’ve seen some of these signs in your child, it could simply be misbehavior or adolescence. However, doctors can diagnose ADHD if and when certain conditions are met. If several of the symptoms are noticeable before your child is 12 years old, or if the symptoms happen in two or more different settings (home, school, sports), you might be on your way to a diagnosis.

If you notice that these symptoms interfere with your child’s daily life, like poor grades in school or weak social skills, make an appointment with our doctors at THINK Neurology for Kids. If the symptoms can’t be explained by another diagnosis, like a mood or anxiety disorder, your child could have ADHD.

Our doctors use the FDA-approved QbTest to diagnose ADHD. This tool is a computer-based testing system and only takes 15 to 20 minutes. This test offers an objective measure of your child’s inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. While there is no cure for ADHD, many treatment options are available that improve symptoms and allow your child to regain control of their life. Call THINK today to schedule testing, or use our convenient online scheduling tool to reach out.