



Tremors are a common movement disorder that causes involuntary contractions of the muscles, leading to shaking and movement of the affected body part. The movement disorder isn’t life-threatening but can be disruptive to daily life. At THINK Neurology for Kids, the pediatric neurology specialists can develop an effective treatment plan to help keep tremors under control and improve your child’s overall quality of life. For a consultation with one of the specialists within a few days, not weeks or months, call The Woodlands, Katy, Sugar Land, or Austin, Texas, office, or use the online booking button.

Tremors Q & A

What are tremors?

Tremors are a movement disorder that causes involuntary muscle contractions in one or more body parts. The condition most often affects the hands, but can also affect the vocal cords, arms, torso, or legs.


Tremors are more often seen in adults but can affect children and teens. In the younger population, tremors most often develop from a self-limited medical condition or as a side effect from a medication. The tremors result from a malfunction in the thalamus, which is located deep in the brain and is responsible for controlling motor and sensory function.

What are the tremor classifications?

Tremors have two primary categories:

Resting tremor

Resting tremors occur with a relaxed muscle. These tremors most often occur in the hands and fingers.

Action tremor

Action tremors occur during muscle movement and are more common than resting tremors. 

Tremors are further broken down into types based on the cause and how they affect the body. Essential tremors are one of the most common types of tremors and have no known cause. However, these tremors may be hereditary, and the risk of developing an essential tremor may increase if there’s a family history.

How are tremors diagnosed?

The experts at THINK Neurology for Kids conduct comprehensive evaluations to determine the classification and type of tremor your child may have. During the evaluation, your child’s pediatric neurologist reviews medical history and conducts a physical and neurological exam. They may also request blood and urine tests to rule out other causes of the tremors.

How are tremors treated?

THINK Neurology for Kids develops individualized treatment plans to help control tremors. If your child’s doctor identifies the underlying cause of the tremors, then treatment may focus on that.

However, if the cause isn’t determined, they may recommend various medications to help control the involuntary muscle movement, such as:

  • Anti-seizure medication
  • Botox® injections
  • Beta blockers

Your child’s doctor may also recommend physical, occupational, or speech therapy to help manage activities of daily living.

Focused ultrasound is a more recent treatment for essential tremors. During this treatment, your doctor directs ultrasound waves at the thalamus, which create lesions that may minimize tremor activity. This treatment is only recommended when medications fail to improve symptoms.  

Surgical options are also available for other types of tremors if conservative treatments are ineffective.

For a tremor evaluation from the neurological experts, call THINK Neurology for Kids or click the online booking button today.