Speech Delays in Children: Signs, Causes, and How a Pediatric Neurologist Can HelpMar 17, 2025Every milestone your baby reaches is a reason to smile and celebrate, but experiencing their first words and speech development is one of the best. Unfortunately, speech delays can occur. Here’s what you need to know.
Do Concussions Heal On Their Own?Feb 07, 2025Concussions do heal on their own, but your child still needs special attention. No matter how mild it seems, a concussion damages the brain. The brain can’t heal properly without the appropriate care. Here’s what you need to know.
My Child Has Terrible Headaches: Can You Help?Jan 07, 2025Headaches are a common problem. But if your child’s pain is severe or they have frequent headaches, it’s time to see a neurology specialist who can help. Neurologists are uniquely trained to find the cause of pain and provide treatments to ease it.
What to Expect at Your Child’s Sports Neurology EvaluationDec 02, 2024When should you schedule a sports neurology evaluation for your child? Here’s a hint: Sports neurology isn’t limited to treating kids after an injury. It also helps kids with neurological conditions engage in activities. Here’s what to expect.
4 Therapies to Help Your Child With Cerebral Palsy ThriveNov 08, 2024Getting through daily life can seem overwhelming for children with cerebral palsy and their parents and caregivers. However, numerous therapies can improve children's skills, strengthen their muscles, and promote a thriving life.
Tourette Syndrome vs. Conduct Disorder: How are They Different?Oct 14, 2024Tourette syndrome and conduct disorder cause challenging behaviors that impair your child’s happiness and success. And they frequently occur with other mental health disorders.
ADHD and Rejection Sensitivity: Understanding the LinkSep 20, 2024Does your child with ADHD feel deep emotional pain or have sudden anger outbursts over constructive criticism? Their intense emotions are real and grounded in a little-known condition connected with ADHD called rejection sensitivity.
I Don’t Think My Child is Getting Enough Sleep. What Are the Guidelines?Aug 12, 2024Did you know that at least 20% of children don’t get enough sleep to support their physical and emotional well-being? If you’re worried about your child’s sleep, keep reading to learn about the guidelines for every age.
3 Movement Disorders That Affect Children and How They’re TreatedJul 22, 2024Movement disorders can make it hard for children to keep up with peers and enjoy everyday activities. These conditions may also affect their appearance and crush their self-esteem. However, treatment controls symptoms and improves lives.
What Problems Can Chiari Malformation Type I Cause?Jun 18, 2024Chiari malformation type I may never cause problems, but when they appear, they can range from issues you’d expect, like headaches, to unexpected concerns like central sleep apnea and scoliosis. Here’s what you need to know.
Why Does My Child Need ImPACT® Testing?May 16, 2024Toddlers often injure their heads during a fall, while sports cause most concussions in older children and teens. No matter the cause, ImPact® testing identifies a concussion, shows its effect on brain function, and guides prompt treatment.
Are Tremors Serious?Apr 03, 2024Tremors defy a simple explanation. They can be mild or severe, go away over time, persist for the long run, and have many possible causes. A thorough exam is the only way to learn if your child’s tremors are serious and ease your mind.
The Stages of a Migraine and How to Minimize Their ImpactMar 01, 2024Did you know that children's migraines may pass through four stages? More importantly, two stages warn you that a migraine is approaching. If your child experiences either stage, you can take heed and help minimize their pain.
Which Type of Cerebral Palsy Does My Child Have?Feb 07, 2024Children always deserve personalized care, but highly customized treatment is essential if they have cerebral palsy. Your child may have one of several types with varying symptoms. Here's what you need to know about the types of cerebral palsy.
Will My Child Outgrow ADHD?Jan 10, 2024Six million children in the United States have ADHD, and they all have parents who wonder if their child might one day outgrow the condition. ADHD can dramatically improve, but it’s seldom outgrown. Let’s explore what that means.
The Importance of Early Intervention for Autism Spectrum DisorderDec 01, 2023Early intervention helps your child overcome their autism-related challenges. The therapy your child receives supports their success as they enter school and start socializing, and early intervention often produces lasting results.
All About Migraine in Adolescents: Signs, Triggers, Treatment, and Prevention Nov 02, 2023Migraines often begin in early adolescence, and the earlier they start, the higher the chance that teens will still struggle with them in adulthood. Seeking early treatment can break the migraine cycle and let your teen enjoy life.
Preparing Your Child for a Successful MRI ScanOct 10, 2023MRIs are safe painless, and create invaluable images of nerves and soft tissues. But they also cause anxiety for parents and children. Here are seven tips to prepare your child for a successful MRI.
How ImPACT® Helps Us Monitor and Assess Your Child’s Concussion RecoverySep 01, 2023ImPACT® is a child-friendly, computer-based test revealing how well your child’s brain works before and after a concussion. Keep reading to learn how the test works and why it’s essential for guiding treatment and return-to-activity decisions.
Why Your School-Age Child Keeps Getting HeadachesAug 01, 2023Did you know that children get the same headaches as adults? Your child’s recurring headaches could range from mild tension to severe migraines that disrupt daily life. Let’s explore why school-age children have frequent headaches.
Common Causes of Fainting of KidsJul 06, 2023Fainting in children may or may not mean they have an underlying health condition that needs medical care. Here, you’ll learn the most common causes of fainting in kids and why they should always be evaluated after a fainting episode.
Understanding Your Child’s Autism-Related Sensory SensitivityJun 07, 2023Most children with autism have sensory issues that become overwhelming and cause strong emotional reactions. These reactions are surprising and seem to be out-of-the-blue if you’re unaware of their sensory sensitivity. Here’s what you need to know.
4 Reasons to Consider Sports Neurology for Your ChildMay 05, 2023Don’t be surprised if you’re not familiar with sports neurology. The field began in 2008, but it’s only now gaining widespread recognition. Here, we explore the four primary ways sports neurology supports children’s optimal neurologic health.
5 Different Treatments for Tremors in KidsApr 10, 2023Though tremors in children are often mild, they can still be embarrassing. And if the shaking is severe, tremors can disrupt your child’s ability to play, hold things, or walk. When your child needs treatment, one of five options can help.
Understanding Your Child’s Tourette Syndrome DiagnosisMar 13, 2023Tourette syndrome is a challenge that can affect every aspect of a child’s life. But it’s a challenge that can be successfully managed with a team effort that supports the child, parents, and teachers. The first step is learning about the condition.
When to See a Specialist About Your Child’s HeadachesFeb 21, 2023Many parents don’t realize that children can get migraine headaches, resulting in time off from school and keeping them away from favorite activities. Keep reading to learn about common pediatric headaches, their symptoms, and when to seek help.
5 Signs of a Childhood Seizure DisorderJan 11, 2023Parents often expect dramatic symptoms during a seizure. But children typically have subtle signs that are so unexpected or brief parents may not realize they signal a seizure. Here’s what you need to know about seizure symptoms.
What to Expect From Your Child’s QbTest® for ADHDDec 15, 2022You can see your child’s hyperactive behaviors and signs of inattention. But wouldn’t it be nice to measure the extent and severity of their ADHD symptoms and compare their behaviors to same-aged peers? That’s what we can do with the QbTest®.
How a Concussion Might Affect Your Child’s SleepNov 07, 2022Changes in your child’s sleep are expected after a concussion. All children need to rest, but some sleep for long stretches while others struggle to sleep. Here’s what parents need to know about sleep issues after a concussion.
Understanding the 3 Different Types of Cerebral PalsyOct 07, 2022Cerebral palsy isn’t one disease with a single defining symptom. It’s a group of disorders that cause a wide range of symptoms requiring individualized treatment. Here’s what you need to know about the three main types of cerebral palsy.
4 Common Causes of a Speech Delay in KidsSep 01, 2022Parents naturally worry when their child’s speech lags behind others in the same age group. But with early intervention, children can learn the skills they need to overcome a delay. Here’s what you should know about speech delays and their causes.
Important Treatments for Chiari Malformation Type IIAug 03, 2022Chiari malformation Type II is a congenital disability that causes parts of the lower brain to protrude down into the spinal canal. Though some therapies ease symptoms, the most critical treatment is surgery to create more space and relieve pressure.
6 Effective Treatments for Tourette SyndromeJul 12, 2022Tourette syndrome is known for causing tics, but tics devastate children’s emotions and behaviors, often disrupting their ability to enjoy school and friends. Read on to learn about the treatments proven to help their challenges.
5 Encouraging Facts About AutismJun 08, 2022If you’re overwhelmed with the daily challenges of autism, it’s time to take a step back and remember that you have hope for the future. Begin by reading these encouraging facts while remembering the precious child underneath the challenges.
How (and Why) to Bolster Your ADHD Child's Self EsteemMay 09, 2022The challenges of ADHD demolish a child’s self-esteem. How can they feel confident when every day poses overwhelming problems they struggle to control? Though it’s a slow process, you can boost your child's self-esteem with these tips.
How Much Sleep Does My Child Need?Apr 07, 2022You know sleep is essential, but you may have questions about the amount of sleep your child needs and how to help them when they frequently struggle to get a full night’s sleep. Here's what you should know about your child's sleep needs.
Is My Child Suffering From Migraines?Mar 14, 2022You may think that migraines only affect adults, but children get them too. Half of adults had their first migraine before the age of 12. If your child has migraines, they need unique treatment to ease their pain and prevent future headaches.
All About Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive TestingFeb 09, 2022Concussions are quite common, with 25% of adolescents having at least one diagnosed concussion. If your child bumps their head, there's only one way to determine the impact on their brain, and that's with a prompt neurocognitive evaluation.
What Causes Developmental Delays in Kids?Jan 12, 2022Parents share stories about their kids and inevitably compare their child's development to others. If your child seems slow to achieve skills like walking and talking, they may have a developmental delay. Here's a rundown on delays and their causes.
Debunking Common Myths About Tourette SyndromeDec 10, 2021If there's one thing that adds to the challenge of helping your child learn to live with Tourette syndrome, chances are it’s dealing with all the myths surrounding the disease. This blog runs down the top six myths and sets the record straight.
5 Signs of a Type I Chiari MalformationNov 05, 2021Type I Chiari malformations affect your child’s brain and spinal cord. Learning the signs gives you the ability to seek early treatment that protects your child’s central nervous system. Here’s what you need to know about Chiari malformation symptoms.
Understanding Different Types of SeizuresOct 07, 2021Children can have such mild and brief seizure symptoms that the episode goes unnoticed. They can also have full-blown convulsions that last several minutes. Read on to learn more about the different types of seizures and the symptoms they cause.
4 Causes of Speech Delays in ChildrenSep 08, 2021If you have any concerns about your child’s speech and language development, it’s always better to seek help sooner rather than later. With early intervention, targeted treatment improves their skills and boosts their social and school success.
How to Prevent a ConcussionAug 06, 2021Would you be surprised to learn that protective headgear doesn’t prevent a concussion? Read on to learn the latest about helmets, along with steps you can take to protect your child from suffering a concussion.
Music Therapy and AutismAug 02, 2021Music therapy can open doors, especially to combat neurological conditions like ASD.
What Are Brain Waves?Aug 02, 2021Unusual patterns in your brain waves may signal your provider to look into ruling out types of brain disorders or a brain disarrangement.
When is an MRI Needed?Jul 09, 2021MRIs are one of our most valuable tools for diagnosing and treating neurological conditions in children. If your child ever needs an MRI, you can depend on our full support throughout their procedure. Meanwhile, this blog tells why an MRI is required.
Using Psychotherapy to Calm Tourette SyndromeJun 21, 2021Do you wonder how psychotherapy could help Tourette Syndrome? Read on to learn about one unique type of therapy that can ease your child’s stress and boost their confidence by teaching them the skills they need to control their tics.
8 Symptoms of Epilepsy and How We Can Help Reduce ThemMay 14, 2021Epilepsy affects six out of every 1,000 children. For all of these children and parents, the uncertainty of when a seizure might strike is terrifying. You can begin to overcome the fear with treatments that reduce or prevent seizures.
My Child Has Autism. Now What?Apr 01, 2021No one is prepared to learn their child has autism. When you hear those words, there’s only one way to know what to do next. You need compassionate, experienced autism professionals to give you guidance and a path to follow. Here are the first steps.
What Causes Memory Problems in Children?Mar 05, 2021Memory problems have a significant impact on a child’s ability to pay attention, learn, and generally thrive. Getting an evaluation at the first sign of memory loss is the key to overcoming the problem and preventing complications.
Are Your Child’s Headaches a Cause for Concern?Feb 02, 2021Most headaches are harmless and your child returns to their energetic self in a few hours. But children can have severe headaches or head pain that signals a health problem. Learn the signs that show your child’s headache is cause for concern.
Everything Your Young Athlete Should Know About ConcussionsJan 04, 2021It’s no surprise that most concussions occur during sports activities, yet many young athletes keep playing because they don’t have immediate symptoms. And nothing is riskier for their brain than staying active when they have a concussion.
ADD vs. ADHDDec 09, 2020ADD and ADHD have a long, overlapping history and now ADD is a type of ADHD. Confused? You’re not alone. Many parents wonder about the difference between the two and how to recognize it in their kids. Read on for a clear explanation.
Signs of a Concussion in ChildrenNov 24, 2020Sports activities, falls, and being struck in the head are the top causes of concussions in children. No matter how it happens, parents need to recognize the signs of a concussion so they can seek timely medical care and help their child heal.
THINKer Series: Emma's StoryNov 06, 2020Here at THINK Neurology for Kids we don't see our patients as just patients, we see them as THINKers. We aim to develop their minds in new ways and introduce them to a world of opportunities. Read about Emma and how her life was impacted through THINK.
Area residents discuss experiences with ADHDOct 28, 2020Ella Lee Forest resident Leah Salinas was in middle school when attention-deficit disorder really started impacting her life, though she wouldn’t be diagnosed with it for more than 20 years.
3 Types of ADHDOct 09, 2020Do you wonder if your child’s performance and behavioral challenges like not paying attention, being constantly in motion or never finishing homework are typical childhood issues or if they could be ADHD? Read on to learn more.
The Best Therapies for Cerebral PalsySep 18, 2020The best therapy for cerebral palsy includes multiple types of treatment that are specially designed to address your child’s challenges. Though medications are essential, the right therapies can support functioning and improve their quality of life.
4 Treatments for Tourette SyndromeAug 11, 2020The tics caused by Tourette Syndrome improve with several types of treatments. We help parents navigate the options, explaining how each one works and recommending the best therapy for your child.
Does Your Child Have a Developmental Delay?Jul 01, 2020Parents can’t help but compare their child’s progress to other children, which often leads to questions and concerns when one child’s development outpaces the other’s. Here’s what you need to know about developmental delays.
Common Causes of SeizuresApr 29, 2020It’s only natural for parents to want to know what caused their child’s seizure. Here are some of the common causes of seizures in children. If you have concerns about your child and seizures, we’re available by phone, telemedicine, and appointment.
How ADHD Contributes to Memory ProblemsMar 05, 2020Most people diagnosed with ADHD have trouble with working memory, a problem that’s at the heart of their struggle with inattention and influences the many daily challenges they face. Here’s what you need to know about ADHD and memory problems.
What Action to Take if Your Child Has a ConcussionFeb 01, 2020Any child, whether they’re involved in sports or playing in the family room, can suffer a concussion. Here are the red flags you should know about and the actions to take as soon as your child suffers an injury that may result in a concussion.
Inattention vs. Absence Seizures: How to Tell the DifferenceJan 01, 2020Appearing zoned out and lost in thought isn’t always an example of daydreaming. It can also be a symptom of inattentive ADHD or a sign that a child is having an absence seizure. But how do you tell the difference?
Do You Suspect Your Child Has ADHD? We Can Help!Dec 02, 2019Although it isn’t always easy to recognize, ADHD is behind a significant number of problems throughout a child’s life. Do you have questions? We have answers and the tools to help.
Free Christmas trees to first 100 families that visit THINK booth at the 2019 Houston Buddy Walk!Nov 14, 2019Join the Down Syndrome Association of Houston and THINK Neurology for Kids as we unite for a common cause and raise funds at the 2019 Houston Buddy Walk.
EEG: How It Works to Help Diagnose and Monitor Seizure DisordersNov 06, 2019Watching your child experience a seizure can be terrifying and heartbreaking. You need answers fast. Learn how an EEG can help accurately diagnose and monitor your child so you can get them the right treatment.
Dr. Varghese featured on the cover of LIVING magazine March 2015 editionMar 19, 2015Dr. Varghese has been featured on page 31 of LIVING magazine March edition.
Exercise Helps Kids' BrainsFeb 13, 2015After a review of 14 studies, researchers concluded that the more physical activity children have the more likely they are to do better academically.
Is Football Bad for the Brain?Feb 13, 2015Football is one of the more popular spectator sports in the United States having formed in the late 1800’s at college campuses.
(Video) Dr. Varghese - migraines in children - Great Day Houston - KHOUJan 09, 2015Watch Dr. Varghese discuss migraines in children.